There will be sign waving in support of Sue on Fri. 18 Oct. and Fri. 1 Nov. from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the following 4 locations in Seattle:
- Northgate and 1st Ave. N.E. (Northeast Seattle)
- 15th Ave NW and NW Market St. (Ballard)
- Rainier Ave S. & MLK pedestrian bridge at Franklin High School (Southeast Seattle)
- Fauntleroy and 35th avenue SW (West Seattle)
Just Show Up! The signs will be there for you to wave!
As a teacher, I was happy this week Sue that was endorsed by the Seattle Education Association.
PLEASE visit Sue's website for a more complete list of endorsements and statements.
As a teacher, I find nothing encouraging about those funding Sue's opponent, Ms. Dale Estey. If you like charters, if you agree with the kinds of ideas dumped into our laps which were pushed by the puppet groups of the Bill and Melinda Gate$ Foundation, if you really believe Bill Gate$ and Ms. Dale Estey when they say they aren't blaming teachers (while pushing the same blame-the-teachers policies) - good luck!!
FINAL NOTE: Those of you who'd like to do different things in support of Sue should contact her campaign, I already have a full time job and I've got my hands full with this little event!!